Sunday, August 27, 2017

Why be a Free Agent?

I ask myself this question often on those bad days.  But then I ask myself, "Would I rather work for someone else?"  The answer to myself to this question is always NO.  When I look back at my life, I was always an Entrepreneur aka Free Agent-in-training.  From having a paper route in junior high, to trying out several small business opportunities with friends, and even trying out Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).  There seem to be nothing I wouldn't try to make money.  A lot of these were failures but in retrospect, they were the seeds for success.   Regarding Corporate America, I hated corporate politics and the lack of happiness in working for someone else.  The main reason is I loved being an entrepreneur and was always restless in a Corporate environment.  This is why I created my business to teach individuals my system to work happy.  Don't get me wrong as Free Agency isn't for everyone.  Everyone has a role in our economic ecosystem.  But honestly, I would never go back to being a cog in the machine...

Best Regards & Success,

Chief Free Agent #1

P.S.  Check out our new community!

Freedom comes with a price. How much are you willing to pay?

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